My Graduation
Well several of you have emailed me wanting to know a little bit about
me. So here it is this is my parents and my self at my highschool
graduation. I graduated in may of 97.
My class rank was something like 87 out of 284. So obviously
I wasnt the smartest kid but on the same note not the dumbest either.
Right now I go to school at Lewis and Clark College where I am a mechanical
engineering student. I think that it is a nice college. You
can see a picture of our new science building below.
Here it is. Its a great new building that was just added last
year, it cost around 10 million dollars. An even better feature is
the buildings remarkable ability to have classes canceled. Every
so often the big wigs of Illinois have to come and see where there money
is going, so we get out for that.

This Lovely Lady here is the one and only Emily Stork. She obviously
is my girlfriend or I wouldn't have stuck her in here. Emily is 19
and she go's to Illinois College. She majors in Ocupational therapy
and has a 4.0. We've been seeing each other for two and a half years.
My only complaint about her is she is to sweet. Her biggest complaint
about me "You love your computer more than me." This is not true, but I
do like fiddlin around on the computer every now and then.